Monday, August 2, 2010

crazy time

Well. It's been a busy last few months. If I haven't mentioned I work a million hours a week. Actually 65-80 average. I also have a garden that is rather large needs lots of attention but is getting no where near enough. So right now my life is full. Very little time for me and feels as though I am the only one that notices I need attention too. I work currently with a coworker who is very verbally abuse and because I work in a kitchen I need to grit my teeth and just deal. Trying very hard to balance all this and make sure my girlfriend gets all the attention she deserves.

If the beginning of this blog seems jumbled that should be an example of what my psychological state is. The anxiety along with the lack of self worth are starting to get to me. I cycle rapidly so each day is a new roller coaster ride. Today anxiety tomorrow depression. The depression is easier to deal with and a lot easier to hide. People think I'm exhausted on my days off but most the time I am depressed. Just don't want to bother anyone with how I feel. Everyone has more important things to deal with. I write on here so I know I got my voice out. If anyone actually reads it, well dunno if anyone reads it. I just hope someone does....

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